Friday, February 19, 2021

Nightfall in Sorrento by Trev Teasdel

Nightfall in Sorrento by Trev Teasdel
was first published in 2007 by Glass Orange Publications and consists mainly of dynamic and hard hitting performance poems from my live set including the popular titles Hey up What's the Crack? (Alack alack), Dance and R & B, the Surround Sound, Stereophonic London and Down Our Street.

Titles include Hey up, What's the Crack, Stereophonic London, Melissa's Garden, Dance and R & B, The Surround Sound, Debt Ceiling, Sin City, Down our Street.
Sample "There’s ghost inertia on the fringe of passion.
The Art of Martial Sex is well in fashion.
Through Venetian specs with special effects, You get sex by text – whatever next!"

Nightfall in Sorrento by Trev Teasdel is also available on the following platforms as a FLIPBOOK should the pdf version below not work for any reason.



There's more audio versions of the poems beneath the PDF on this page.

Nightfall in Sorrento by Trev Teasdel PDF below. View the book here or click the arrow to go to the Google Drive PDF where the book is hosted to read or download for free (there's a download arrow on Google drive). Or go straight to Google drive to  download the book.

NIGHTFULL IN SORRENTO - By Culture Fuzion - Coventry drummer / music producer James Pryal on music and Trev vocalising  the poem - 2007.

Melissa's Garden - Culture Fuzion - James Pryal music and Trev vocalising the poem.

STEREOPHONIC LONDON Version 1 by Culture Fuzion - James Pryal and Trev on vocals.

Stereophonic London Version 2 - by Culture Fuzion - James Pryal and Trev Teasdel

Dance and R & B (The Surround Sound) Two version in one video - a Culture Fuzion version with James Pryal and Trev on poem and then a live version of the poem by Trev Teasdel backed by Coventry band Wandering John at the Sphinx Club in Coventry 2010 and put together by flimmaker Gordon Brand (Nomad).

Priory Street Culture Fuzion - Music Trev Teasdel and James Pryal and words by Trev Teasdel

Down Our Street Vocals and poem by Trev - Trance music by The Nerve
C Craney, Teasdel, Thompson

Debt Ceiling Words Trev - Music Steve Gillgallon, Stephen Ingledew, Trev Teasdel

Holograms from the Lilac Canopy by Trev Teasdel

Holograms from the Lilac Canopy by Trev Teasdel 
was published digitally in 2015 and revised several times. It is the first volume of books where the material was authored on Facebook or other social media and consists of flashing fictions, stories and poems, humorous, serious, surreal, erotic, political or otherwise.

Titles include The Hippocratic Oath, Strip Jack Naked, The Stocking Exchange, Fake World, Tequila Snakerise, Born in Rico's Trombone, City of Storms. 

Sample - "I was born to the game, a pack of snap, strip Jack naked, rolling poker, cheating, solitaire, son of a lying politician."

Holograms from the Lilac Canopy by Trev Teasdel is also available on the following platforms as a FLIPBOOK should the pdf version below not work for any reason.

Some audio versions below the pdf book on here.

Holograms from the Lilac Canopy by Trev Teasdel PDF below. View the book here or click the arrow to go to the Google Drive PDF where the book is hosted to read or download for free (there's a download arrow on Google drive). Or click here to go direct to Google drive version.

Joe Toe Rag - Trev voice and guitar.

Strip Jack Naked - Trev voice and guitar

Summer Bourbon Barbecue - Trev voice and guitar.

Life on Streetview - Trev on voice and guitar.

Oh Crazy World - Trev voice and guitar.

The Hippocratic Oath - Trev voice.

The Stocking Exchange - Trev voice.

I Want My Poems on the World Wide Web. Trev voice.

Panavision Motion - Trev voice.

Austerity Was Wild - Trev voice and guitar.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Jazz Town by Trev Teasdel


Jazz Town is a special booklet to accompany my bandcamp spoken word and music album of the same title.  

'Jazz Town is the world turned upside down, inside out –at once surreal and real, meshed with images of Jazz instrumentation, Jazz onomatopoeia and improvisation dripping with philosophers and painters and art movements..'

"This is Jazz Town. The melody of the rain, Trumpets of improvised images rain down. Maple Leaf or make believe, could reality be this absurd! Lovers bathe in Malay Specials, pineapples, bananas, and the grapes of wrath; pipers pipe in the Tartan highlands, absurdist politicians walk the catwalk with Pablo Picasso painted policies."


Listen to the 10 track album here on bandcamp and read the words on the pdf below.

Jazz Town by Trev Teasdel - pdf book of the words to the spoken word album of the same name. Click the arrow at the top of the pdf to make full size or download from Google drive.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Apricot Sunday by Trev Teasdel

Apricot Sunday
The latest book published July 2021. Title include The World is a Butler, How to get Published on the Moon, Autobahn, Lily Lockdown, The man They Couldn't Sack, The Green Grass Sea, Slow Boat to China, Space Needle, The Lighthouse, Never Mind the Plot, Back on Bash Street, Mushroom Heads, The Taxpayer, Jumping Jacks, Protest is Forbidden.

Sample " Holy fuck, the clocks slept in - sprawled over the wall like a Dali sketch - even the digitals were buffering and burping on low coffee levels. Morning was slouched in a wicker chair, no comb would touch its hair, hung up, hung over and too cool to text."

Apricot Sunday by Trev Teasdel is also available on the following platforms as a FLIPBOOK should the pdf version below not work for any reason.


Apricot Sunday by Trev Teasdel

PDF below. View the book here or click the arrow to go to the Google Drive PDF where the book is hosted to read or download for free (there's a download arrow on Google drive). Or go direct to Google drive to download the book here.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Lilypad Station by Trev Teasdel

Lilypad Station by Trev Teasdel 
was published digitally about 2021. This is latest version with additional material. It is the 10th volume of books where the material was authored on Facebook or other social media and consists of flashing fictions, stories and poems, humorous, serious, surreal, erotic, political or otherwise.

Titles include Clarissa Tested Positive, The Blue Light of Rain, Utopia, Jack Shit, Invisible Empire, Jam Pancake Rain, Life on Mars, The Streets were in Full Riot, Dystopia UnmaskedApricot Sunday, Universal Credit, Dating Street, Writers' Block,

Sample "Clarissa tested positive for sex appeal, lockdown had put her in a strange position, she looked out of her curtains at the makeshift homeless shelters built out of reinforced toilet roll tubes donated to charity by a panic buying public."

Lilypad Station by Trev Teasdel is also available on the following platforms as a FLIPBOOK should the pdf version below not work for any reason.


Lilypad Station by Trev Teasdel 

PDF below. View the book here or click the arrow to go to the Google Drive PDF where the book is hosted to read or download for free (there's a download arrow on Google drive). Or go direct to Google drive to download the book here


Octopodus - A Lockdown Novella by Trev Teasdel

Octopodus - (Lost in the Post) by Trev Teasdel
is a 16 chapter novella written chapter by chapter each day on Facebook and collated in the digital Novella. The book is not about Lockdown or the Pandemic but mirrors the atmosphere and fear and the media hysteria with the motifs of the Octopi and the Terrapin running through out the book. It's a choreographed stream of consciousness (which sounds like a contradiction) initially taking it's influence from the first page of the Cannery Row by John Steinbeck.

"Red rusted ships, the smell of fish that rose on the wind from the docks, cranky cranes with crinkled cut chains and bread tin cabins, the tin pot tugs and plodding pilots by the river edge, and the red light bonking houses where the casinos squeal for money. I was lost in the post, out on my heel, befriended by fog and neon lamps.


An audio version of this book exists on Bandcamp, with the first three chapters set to much by Trev, the first chapter with three interlinking bass guitar tracks and the other two with electric guitar, effects and bass. The rest of the chapters are spoken word. You listen to the chapters here - 

Octopodus is also available on the following platforms as a FLIPBOOK should the pdf version below not work for any reason.

Octopodus by Trev Teasdel the written PDF is below. View the book here or click the arrow to go to the Google Drive PDF where the book is hosted to read or download for free (there's a download arrow on Google drive).

The Dawn Chorus of a Rural Warrior by Trev Teasdel

The Dawn Chorus of a Rural Warrior by Trev Teasdel 
was published in 2020 and is the 8th  volume of books where the material was authored on Facebook or other social media and consists of flashing fictions, stories and poems, humorous, serious, surreal, erotic, political or otherwise.

Titles include The Underwear Party, The New Forest Order, El Zorro, Bookcase Street, Fish Pie Alley, Jack the Lad, Jodi and the Beetroot Bar, Tag and the Hovis Wagon, Gemini Girl, I was Born an Illusion, Golden Brown, Born to the Missionary Position, Pimp my Ride. 

Sample "I grew up in Bookcase Street, in a 3 bedroom bookend, sentenced to verbosity, but don't quote me on that. I set the scene with attitude, tried on trendy character traits and plotted my path through broken rules. My personality was a mix of early drafts, cute revisionism to sharpen wits.."

The Dawn Chorus of a Rural Warrior by Trev Teasdel is also available on the following platforms as a FLIPBOOK should the pdf version below not work for any reason.


The Dawn Chorus of a Rural Warrior by Trev Teasdel PDF below. View the book here or click the arrow to go to the Google Drive PDF where the book is hosted to read or download for free (there's a download arrow on Google drive). Or go direct to the google drive page to download the book here

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Monsieur Sauvignon by Trev Teasdel

Monsieur Sauvignon by Trev Teasdel 
was published digitally about 2020 and revised several times. This is latest version with additional material. It is the seventh volume of books where the material was authored on Facebook or other social media and consists of flashing fictions, stories and poems, humorous, serious, surreal, erotic, political or otherwise.

Titles include Shiraz Condor Cabernet, They Call me Merlot, Captain Bacardi, John Haig Whisky, G & T, The Apple Dumpling Streets, Sat Nav Malfunction, Pinot Grigio, Harry's Bar, Selective Hearing, Lizard Town, Jazz as Usual, Psychedelic Passports."

Sample "In the apple-dumpling streets in the Brussel sprout winter, neon flashing umbrellas reflect thunderstruck window-shoppers with cling film clothing sticking to skin, and smudged, soggy poems spilling flat into the street, with the green melon taxis that pick up and go, near the horse-radish banks with potato mash cash"

Monsieur Sauvignon is also available on the following platforms as a FLIPBOOK should the pdf version below not work for any reason.


Audio of some of the poems can be found below the PDF file on here

Monsieur Sauvignon PDF below. View the book here or click the arrow to go to the Google Drive PDF where the book is hosted to read or download for free (there's a download arrow on Google drive). Or go direct to Google drive to download the book

Jazz As Usual - Voice Trev Teasdel and bass guitar tracks

They Call Me Merlot - Trev Teasdel voice and bass track tracks.

Harry's Bar - Voice and music Trev Teasdel

Psychedelic Passports

Off the Rails book by Trev Teasdel


Off the Rails by Trev Teasdel 
was published digitally about 2020 and revised several times. This is latest version with additional material. It is the sixth volume of books where the material was authored on Facebook or other social media and consists of flashing fictions, stories and poems, humorous, serious, surreal, erotic, political or otherwise.

Titles include Ghost Town, The Last Chapter of Jung, Walking on the Wild Side, Levi Jean, Voltaire, The Grey Men in Grey Suits, Trout Island Blues, Dark Matter, Born in the 50's, Pay Contactless, Jack was a Nobody, Noah's Super Yacht, Election Rigger, Nightporter. 

Sample "It's hard to know when I went of the
rails, I could never think in straight lines, I took the detours, the tangents. They said leave school, get a job, buy a car, a house, marry, consume, invest
and save, grow old gracefully, that was the plan. They sold it to me like a package holiday. I sat in the long
grass and yawned."

Off the Rails is also available on the following platforms as a FLIPBOOK should the pdf version below not work for any reason.


Off the Rails by Trev Teasdel -  pdf version below. View the book here or click the arrow to go to the Google Drive PDF where the book is hosted to read or download for free (there's a download arrow on Google drive. Or go direct to the Google drive page to download the book here

A Cheap Novel in a Backstreet Charity Shop by Trev Teasdel


A Cheap Novel in a Backstreet Charity Shop was published digitally about 2016 and revised several times. This is latest version with additional material. It is the 5th volume of books where the material was authored on Facebook or other social media and consists of flashing fictions, stories and poems, humorous, serious, surreal, erotic, political or otherwise.

Titles - The Golden Street Wizard, Blockbuster, Heavy Metal Freak, Born to the Canvass, Meanwhile Back in Eden, Midnight Manuscripts, Trench Coat, Escape and Evasion, A Fresh Atlantis, The Second Coming, Jazz Planet, Lord Zebra, The Day of the Drones. 

Sample "Your name is Saxon Picasso, your food is the love of a painted lady, polyphonic, vamping, colourful, semi-surreal. You wear a top hat with white rabbits for brains, and a suit of autumn leaves. You play for the symphonium sky and Brazilian braziers and Parisienne bras."

A Cheap Novel in a Backstreet Charity Shop is also available on the following platforms as a FLIPBOOK should the pdf version below not work for any reason.


Some audio beneath the book pdf here.

A Cheap Novel in a Backstreet Charity Shop by Trev Teasdel - pdf version below. View the book here or click the arrow to go to the Google Drive PDF where the book is hosted to read or download for free (there's a download arrow on Google drive. Or go direct to the Google drive page to download the book here

Saxon Picasso - Trev voice and music

Balcony Lovers - Trev on voice and music.

Born in Atlantis by Trev Teasdel

Born in Atlantis 
was published digitally about 2018 and revised several times. This is latest version with additional material. It is forth volume of books where the material was authored on Facebook or other social media and consists of flashing fictions, stories and poems, humorous, serious, surreal, erotic, political or otherwise.

Titles include Investment Poet, Norman Oddly, Bobby Moptop, The Daily Spy, This is Crook Town, Tom Bola, This is Jazz Town, Nudist Colony, Ristretto, Max Linux, Consultant Swinger, Laptop Jack, Crowbar, Stocking Town,  The people who live in the Pavement, Sex Robots.  

Sample "Tom thumbed a ride across Desolation UK, sleeping in alleys and shop doorways with spikes. The cops stole his sleeping bag and fracked him until he shook with cold.."

Born in Atlantis is also available on the following platforms as a FLIPBOOK should the pdf version below not work for any reason.


Audio versions of the poems can be found below the PDF on here

Born in Atlantis pdf version below. View the book here or click the arrow to go to the Google Drive PDF where the book is hosted to read or download for free (there's a download arrow on Google drive. Or go direct to the Google Drive page to download the book here 

Jazz Town - voice and music by Trev Teasdel

The Lost Scrolls of the Apekalypse by Trev Teasdel

The Lost Scrolls of the Apekalypse 
was published digitally about 2017 / 18 and revised several times. This is latest version with additional material. It is third volume of books where the material was authored on Facebook or other social media and consists of flashing fictions, stories and poems, humorous, serious, surreal, erotic, political or otherwise.

Titles include The Muse, The Walking Bass, A T. Rex Trappist Trombonist, Spitting Image of the 80's, Body Painter, Thomas Spence, Hurricane Jane, Jag Lag, Apple-Dash hair, Under a Beltane Moon, Meme on the screen, Zombie Halt, Power Chord Primate, Arnold Shakespeare

Sample "Moneyfact lived in a brown worn out wallet in Tango Town and slept on a Visa card in the orange light of a Tango Town night. There were a few of them in the wallet sharing food with straws."

Apeckalypse (spelt like that) was suggested by my son Kyle to reflect the cover picture!

The Lost Scrolls of the Apekalypse is also available on the following platforms as a FLIPBOOK should the pdf version below not work for any reason.

There are some audio version beneath the pdf book on here 

The Lost Scrolls of the Apekalypse pdf read here or click the arrow to go to Google drive where you can download the book free by clicking the download arrow. Or go direct to Google drive to download the book here

Power Chord Primate - Trev voice and guitars.

The Muse - Trev voice and guitar

T. Rex Trappist Trombonist - Trev voice and guitar.

Literal on the Clitter Oil - Trev voice and guitars

Beyond Capitalism - Trev on voice and guitar and Jaws harp.

Swinging - Trev voice and guitar.

Southside Sacramento -Trev voice and guitar.

Art House Cafe - Trev voice and guitar.

Picasso's Secret Café and the Planet of Debt by Trev Teasdel


Picasso's Secret Café and the Planet of Debt was published digitally about 2016 and revised several times. This is latest version with additional material. It is second volume of books where the material was authored on Facebook or other social media and consists of flashing fictions, stories and poems, humorous, serious, surreal, erotic, political or otherwise.

 Titles include City by Night, New Poetry Daze, Harry Headlines, Crypto Currency Nightmare, Cigarollo - Gold Top Poet, The Tale of Joey Quantum, Teleporter Auberge, Life is a Lottery, The Party Dress, Liquid Currency, Caterpillar Bridge, The Glass House, 

Sample "Joey Quantum came on like a wave-
form but posed as a particle when the press were present. He'd do his double slit trick but ended up in some parallel dimension after a comedy of errors
brought him to his knees. Soon.."

Picasso's Secret Café and the Planet of Debt is also available on the following platforms as a FLIPBOOK should the pdf version below not work for any reason.


There are some audio version below the pdf book on here

Picasso's Secret Café and the Planet of Debt by Trev Teasdel - pdf version below. View the book here or click the arrow to go to the Google Drive PDF where the book is hosted to read or download for free (there's a download arrow on Google drive) Or go direct to the google drive page to download the book here .

City by Night - Trev spoken word with guitar.

Poet Reprobate - book by Trev Teasdel

Poet Reprobate
was the second chap book I produced, this one in 1985, published by The Poetic Licence Collective, a Teesside based magazine run by Ann Wainwright. It consisted of performance poems, stories, lyrics from the 70's or early 80's and graphics designed in a fanzine style and popular at my gigs and on the International small press network.

This version is a recently revised edition, the core of which reflects the original but with additional or replaced material and restructured layout.

You can read it as scrollable pdf book below or click the arrow to go to Google Drive where the book is hosted and there you can click the arrow to download the pdf book free.

Titles include The Poem Liberation Front, Port of Love, We talked for Ages, Without those Within, The Cat, The Waiting Game,  Visions of Multi-storied Cities, Skymen, Connections, Poem in D Mented.

Sample "Is this it, the final handshake, the last goodbye? Have they finally decided not to tolerate my ability not to be manipulated by their system but instead manipulate it to my own needs?"

The book is also available as a FLIPBOOK on the following platforms should the pdf not work for any reason -


Some audio version are below the pdf book here

Poet Reprobate - PDF below. View the book here or click the arrow to go to the Google Drive PDF where the book is hosted to read or download for free (there's a download arrow on Google drive.) Or go direct to the Google drive page to download the book here 

Port of Love - The poem Port of Love was made into a song later on but I only have the instrumental backing track played on keyboards by myself, Steve Gillgallon and Stephen Ingledew.

Love Song written 1981 - cassette recording with Trev on vocals and guitar and Steve Gillgallon on bass and lead.

We Talked For Ages - Live version of the poem to music -Trev guitar and voice.

Hardrock Holiday - performance poem by Trev - This is just the basic instrumental backing recorded at the Dovecot arts Centre Stockton on Tees 1982 by Colin Walker in piano and then keyboard. The final performance has Ann Wainwright on keyboards, Colin Walker on violin, Steve Gillgallon on bass, Richard Sanderson on guitar and a guy from Huddersfield on flute and Trev performing the poem but no recording was made of the final work as performed live.

The Escaped Poet by Trev Teasdel

 The Escaped Poet was the first poetry chapbook I produced, published in 1984 by the

Poetic Licence Collective a magazine based on Teesside and run by Ann Wainwright

The book consists of poems, lyrics and stories written during the 70's and early 80's and I designed the book in a kind of fanzine way. It was popular at my gigs and on the international small press network of the time.

Liila Szinai - of The Poetry of Love magazine, wrote
I would thoroughly recommend this book in which poetry ‘escapes’ from the shackles of its usual subject matter to deal with the real issues that face us in our world - unemployment, the position of women - but with strength, compassion and humour.”

Below is a scrollable and recently revised and digitised edition with some additional material and layout restructuring.

Escaped Poet is also available on the following platforms as a FLIPBOOK should the pdf version below not work for any reason.

View the book here or click the arrow to go to the Google Drive PDF where the book is hosted to read or download for free (there's a download arrow on Google drive). Or go direct to Google drive to download the book here

The Escaped Poet - Trev Teasdel pdf below

The Ancient Poets - Introductory poem. Trev on spoken word and the keyboard backing track.

A TEARDROP IN THE TEES - Song written by Trev 1981 - 2 versions -1st me on clawpicked guitar and the second version a rehearsal for a performance at the Dovecot Arts Centre in Stockton on Tees in 1982 with Ann Wainwright on flute and Colin Walker on violin and arrangement.

Next is a later version of A Teardrop in the Tees 1991 which played bass guitar and various keyboard tracks.

Women on the Change -song by Trev written 1981 - acoustic version recorded on cassette.

Trev Teasdel - Poetry and Fictions - PDF books

Welcome to my Poetical Works - Rock / Performance poetry, flash fictions, short stories,  poetic song lyrics. You will find below links to ...