Friday, April 15, 2022

The Bridge at Angrove by Trev Teasdel

 The Bridge at Angrove by Trev Teasdel

The Bridge At Angrove The latest book by Trev Teasdel, published April 2022. Titles include The Confessions of an Unpublished Poem, Fluffball Capitalism, Review of a Blank Novel, Zebra Street, The Ministry of Easy Lies, The M an with No Name, Spooky Entanglement, Moon, You Old Sixpence, Winter Apple Boulevard, I live on the Rooftops, The Secrets of Love,.

Sample "In the Winter Apple boulevards with scrumpy cider clouds the Bilberry Bramley omnibuses are belching to a halt. In the raincoat-hatted bus stops
where the lonely hearted splash in puddles, the straw-
berry- watermelon evening strolls along within the rain.
The Mango orange cars, the Kiwi banana stalls, the
night-fall neon lights of this kinetic watercolourful night."

The Bridge at Angrove b y Trev Teasdel is viewable and downloada ble free via Google Drive below but also available on these platforms -

You can read the book on line here below - just scroll through or download the book free via Google drive

Trev Teasdel - Poetry and Fictions - PDF books

Welcome to my Poetical Works - Rock / Performance poetry, flash fictions, short stories,  poetic song lyrics. You will find below links to ...